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《Another Sight》别样视界全收集

微博   微信 2021-07-14 16:55     1个回答
  • 本条答案已被采纳 forskere

    Helena Blavatsky – Laboratories – midway through the stage – right after riding up an elevator and jumping into a new room - Hodge can make a rectangular platform move across a large opening, by hitting a switch on a platform underneath and left of the opening. Once he does, use him to climb up the pipes and onto the platform. Ride the platform across to the right and pick up this collectible.

    Dream World – Laboratories – After the first elevator of the stage, Kit and Hodge will eventually reunite in a room where they can both activate an elevator on the far right of the next room. Use Kit to get onto the elevator, take it up a level and walk left to grab this. You should see it in the darkness, surrounded by purple lightning.

    Parisian Dream – Laboratories – near the end of the stage, you will go through a room where you need to move a crate via a magnetic crane and drop it onto a switch to open the next room. After exiting through the room the crate opened, you should see this surrounded by purple lightning in the darkness – just walk into it. This is a room with pipes that Hodge will climb up to access some magnet controls, but only Kit can pick it up.

    2021-07-14 23:16修改
    •    2021-07-14 21:15 回复 yeguche  @forskere 打不开,无力我没梯子
    •    2021-07-14 21:19 回复 层主  @yeguche 第一个链接应该是不需要梯子的
    •    2021-07-14 21:50 回复 层主  @yeguche 或者你说一下你指的是哪个关卡(名字),我给你复制一下收集品图片
    •    2021-07-14 22:59 回复 yeguche  @forskere 多谢,第一个链接报错1005.关卡名字叫实验室
    •    2021-07-14 23:11 回复 层主  @yeguche 发出来了,英文版的文字攻略,和机翻的俄语攻略。
    •    2021-07-15 01:24 回复 yeguche  @forskere 多谢多谢
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