
多人模式跳票了 剧情BUG多到修不完 之前喷涂涂完不跳杯害我又重新断网用另一个角色重新涂 育碧真有你的
应该是PS4 1.07补丁更新内容:

Fixed an issue that could cause longer load times when exiting to the main menu.
Fixed an issue that could cause save games to get corrupted.
Fixed an issue that could cause lost progress during Borough Uprising missions when loading back into the game.

PlayStation 4

Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash if a character model was not loaded correctly.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when quitting to the Main Menu.
Added further stability improvements and fixes to the game to prevent crashes.
出处 微博 微信 kaguranana 2020-11-27 12:51   12回复


wu6_114477786 2020-11-27 12:56修改
@wu6_114477786 首发军团的我已经哭了 打折来得太快
kaguranana 2020-11-27 12:57
@kaguranana 同是预购的 但到现在才玩了几个小时 亏了
vita_apple 2020-11-27 13:06
今年的游戏或多或少都有BUG 居家办公效率……
ubisoft3708 2020-11-27 13:07
@kaguranana 对呀,我也是一早预定的!!我最生气的是 刺客信条英灵殿,我很早之前就预定的黄金版(带季票的),然后等我拿到手,店家就降价90元,还是发售第二还是第三天,他就给我发货了。!!!那叫一个难受阿!!降价也就算了,NND,进入游戏玩了10个小时,收集完当前地图的东西了,准备进行主线任务,到了地点,无法与NPC对话!!那真叫一个窝火阿!!然后又放下游戏,继续玩看门狗军团!!最后涂墙壁还出现不跳杯的问题,还好最后解决了。!!
wu6_114477786 2020-11-27 13:12
whxuxiaoqiang 2020-11-27 13:30
@whxuxiaoqiang 不知道修复了没 这是PS5的
PlayStation 5 (Deployed on Thursday, November 19th, 2020)

Fixed an issue where the game would crash on game launch when the graphic settings (e.g. brightness) were changed.
Fixed an issue that could cause the game to crash when quitting to the Main Menu.
Fixed an issue that could cause a cloud save download to fail on first try.
Fixed a crash that could occur when entering the EPC area in "Lost in the Process" mission.
Fixed and issue that could cause longer save times.
kaguranana 2020-11-27 14:31
还剩下过几天的渡神记了…感觉也不会很理想…… 今年育碧年货已经踩了2个坑了…英灵殿还是个巨坑
jasonstatham2015 2020-11-27 14:41修改
tokinonamida 2020-11-27 16:44
sheldon_wsd 2020-11-27 16:51
英灵殿的新补丁实现了众生平等4t打平12t 一律掉帧
lioyes 2020-11-27 23:55
rinmaki_nepnep 2020-11-30 18:56修改